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Morino/Forestgotchi Tamagotchi


Morino Shells (Yellow vines/White/Brown/Yellow leaves


Welcome to my Morino / Forestgotchi page! Here I'll tell you all about my experiences with the Morino Tamagotchi that released in February 1997. This page is heavily inspired by the websites and Please check them out!

Kabutotchi Animation

I purchased my first-and-only Morino/Forest tamagotchi around 2016 for about $40-$50. I bought if off of eBay and I was excited to have a new tama to my vintage collection. I originally disliked the brown shell and yellow shell with red leaves, so I was choosing between the White shell and Orange shell with vines. I ultimately decided on the Orange shell with vines :P I was super excited when I received it in the mail and couldn't wait to play it.

At this point in my life, I was about 20 years old working a retail job while in college. I was still really young and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I vividly remember having my little Morino at my dad's appartment at the time... ahhh it brings back memories.

Anyway, I was initially enticed by the features of the Morino/Forest. It has cute bugs, pedator attacks, and even two types of eggs to play with. You can either choose the white egg to raise a variety of adults, or you can choose the spotted dark egg to raise Kabutotchi, the horned beetle. He's like the mascot for the Morino. It bears repeating, I was really excited to try out this tama.

Minotchi is happy

Sadly, I remember trying out the Morino a few times and my initial impression was that it was boring. I remember the baby and child weren't too involved, and I especially had nothing to do during the cocoon stage. Fore some reason, I would always kill my tama during the cocoon phase, I suspect it was due to the predator/human attacks. In hindsight, I didn't pay enough attention to it; nevertheless the Morino experiences left a negative impression on me.

Fast forward to 2020 and I started to get into a Tamagotchi phase again. I pulled out my Santagotchi, aquired a new Angelgotchi, purchased a Devilgotchi, and played some of my other vintage models. Around February 2021 I decided to try out the Morino/Forestgotchi again. I remember killing it the first couple of times around, but then I finally paid more attention to it during the cocoon phase. I finally raised my Morino to an adult! I raised Tobitamatchi as my first adult :) Then followed by Koganetchi, my favorite adult. At this point, I felt comfortable raising my little bug and wanted to go on an adventure by logging my time with it. I decided to create my first tamagotchi log. This sparked the idea to build this website and share my adventures online. So please, without further adieu, I hope you enjoy my collection and my stories with all my tamagotchis.

 Animation Kabutotchi Animation

My Collection

First and only Morino/Forestgotchi I have.
I bought this around 2016 or so for around $40-50.

Tama Logs

Names Characters Dates Age
Flax Funkorogatchi Funkorogatchi_sprite March 7 - March 14, 2021 7
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Page Last Updated: 6/12/2024
Page Creation Date: 4/28/2021