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Morino/Forestgotchi Tama Log #1


Photo of My Morino Tamagotchi shell (orange w/ vines)

Note: This is my first Tamagotchi Log ever! I'm not sure how to document everything, so everything in this log is an experiment. I hope it turns out well and I hope you, the reader, enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed creating it :)

Day 1 - March 7th, 2021

Here is the story of Flax, my Morino Tamagotchi. I hatched him at 2:09PM CST on Saturday, March 7th, 2021 from a white egg, which means he'll change into one of a number of different adult characters.

Currently, I'm playing Runescape 3 training Runecrafting on my account F2P1tilepr1K. I won't get into too much detail, but playing Runescape is how I relax in my free time :) My girlfriend, Brittany, and I are also watching Demon Slayer in our office together. We just started episode 1 so we hope it's good, even though we are a little late to the party xD. I spent a lot of time working on my yard and cleaning up around the house Saturday, so I'm spending this Sunday having some fun and relaxing. That's when I decided to hatch my little Morino. I can't wait!

Morino Egg - White

It's been nearly 3 hours and I forgot to check on him even once, but he never beeped. Looks like he is 3 hunger/happiness down, so I better fill him up soon. Currently, we are on episode 5 of Demon Slayer :) Time is flying by with little Flax.

Flax started beeping like crazy! I checked the screen, pressed B and saw a frog was attacking. I relentlessly tapped his screen to wake him up and I saved him just in time. Woohoo! Now he's happy and safe.

I just checked up on Flax and he pooped. What a messy little boy. I'm about to head to the movie theater to see Raya and the Last Dragon with my girlfriend. I'll bring Flax too. I hope I don't have to pay for an extra ticket :P

We finally got back home at, I hadn't checked on Flax the whole movie. He's sound asleep, so I'm turning the light off. He has 2 hunger leafs full, and he's completely out of happiness leafs. Uh oh :x I should have paid more attention. I hope he atleast enjoyed the movie; My girlfriend and I both did. It was entertaining with drama, action, and great storytelling. That's it for Flax's first day on earth, I'll be sure to update on him tomorrow.

Day 2 - March 8th, 2021

It's early in the morning and I'm working from home. I've been up since nearly 7:30AM and Flaxseed finally woke up :) I just realized that his clock is 1 hour behind, so it's 8:00AM for him right now. As soon as he woke up he started calling for attention. When I checked I saw that he was almost squished by an unknowing human, so I tapped the screen and saved him. He looked so happy. I then filled up his hunger and happiness from last night and I'll leave him be for now. It's so nice having him around to keep me company during work.

I just checked on him since he woke up and he was completely hungry. I didn't hear his beeps, I guess I was too busy with work. He also had a little poop which I cleaned up, shortly after feeding him. He's all better now

A foot almost stepped on him so I saved him.

Flax evolved into the mighty potato bug! He's now white, and long. He stretches across the screen it's adorable. I can't wait to see how he evolves in his adult stage hehe.

Photo of Flax as a Potato bug (child)

I was driving to meet my dad for dinner. I moved out nearly 2 years ago so I try to keep up and see him every few weeks. We met at our favorite BBQ place :P It's our favorite restaurant! While on the drive, Flax beeped for a foot step. The last one happened at 1:00PM so it looks like the attacks/foot steps happen every 4 hours. I dislike the frequency, but I still saved him in time (while at a red light, of course!).

I can already tell that Flax is into metal and prog music... I've been listening to Tool a lot lately and he's been with me the whole time. Looks like Tool has a new fan :P

Day 3 - March 9th, 2021

Flax just woke up at 9:00AM during work. I nearly missed his call for help since I was busy with work, but I made it in time to help prevent him getting squashed. I've been the opposite of a "helicopter parent" for Flax; it makes him strong and independent, ya know? I checked his hunger and happiness and he was completely empty. I filled them up ASAP.

Flax called for another foot step! I thought it only happened every 4 hours, but this time it happened in 2. That's weird. I'll keep my eye on it.

My girlfriend and I are about to workout at the gym. I don't want to take Flax along since I can't care for him then, so I'm pausing him for now (5:37PM his time.) I'll try and unpause him when I get home.

Day 4 - March 10th, 2021

I still haven't unpaused Flax :( Last night got super busy with the gym, shopping, and more, so I couldn't care for him. Sadly this will push back his age by 1 day, but no worries, I'll keep the log updated. His current stats are 3/4 hunger, 0/4 happiness, 2 years old and 42lbs. I think I want him down in the 30-39lb range, so I'm going to play games to fill up his happiness. Two birds, one stone :P

My plan is to keep him at a nice healthy weight between 30-39lbs and to give him a cool environment when he is cocooned. I'm so excited to see what adult he turns in to!!!

Morino frog attack!

SPOOKY FROG. A frog just attacked Flax so I smacked him away hehe. He's protected for now.

Uh oh, I got busy this evening when going out for dinner and napping. When I returned I saw that Flax got attacked while I was gone, had two big poops, and was sleeping! I had to change his time so that he was awake to heal him, clean his poops, feed him, etc. After doing that I changed his time back and put him to sleep.

Photo of Flax while injured

Day 5 - March 11th, 2021

I woke up a little late today, I've been super exhausted from work and the stress of daily life. When I checked on Flax he was perfectly fine. He was 3/4 hunger and happiness, so I fed him and played a few games to drop his weight as well. He's sitting at a healthy 36lbs.

I also suspect he will enter his coccoon phase today! He's 4 years old (I guess 3 since I paused a day?). He'll stay in the coccoon phase for 24 hours and I'll make sure to give him a cold environment. Protecting him from attacks and make sure his temperature isn't too hot or cold are the most difficult parts of this phase, so I'm not too worried.

Line of ants

So long story short, around noon I walked into my kitchen and noticed we had a bad ant infestation. I bascially had to drop everything and handle it, go to the store and pick up some ant raid bait traps and call a pest control company. It took up a solid hour and a half. When I got back I noticed that Flax was hurt from an attack. I'm getting worried for him since I don't want him to die :( I'm going to pay attention a lot more, it just feels like life has been keeping me busy.

Flax still hasn't gone into his coccoon phase. He just beeped for a foot about to step on him so I went in and saved him. It feels like it's taking him *forever* to age! I'm really looking forward to his adult stage.

Day 6 - March 12th, 2021

I'm really grouchy today. I woke up dead exhausted around 10:45AM feeling pretty bad. When I went to check on Flax, he was 3/4 hunger and 2/4 happiness. I filled him up and he seems happy! Today is the day where he finally goes into his coccoon phase!!!

I have a team meeting for work right now and I suspect that he is going to be attacked soon, so I'm going to pause him for an hour or so.

I unpaused Flax just now, whooosh that was a long meeting. I'll keep taking care of him, though I hope his coccoon phase isn't pushed back till tomorrow.

On my way home from dinner, Flax started beeping super loud while I was driving. I just knew he was finally going into his coccoon phase!! When I got home I saw that he changed and he even had a little poop with him :) I set his temperature to cold and left him be for the rest of the night.

Day 7 - March 13th, 2021

I woke up super late and went to check on Flax ASAP. His coccoon still has a little poop with him, but I happily cleaned it up.

I noticed his temperature was too cold so I changed it to hot. I want him to be a moderate cool, not freezing! I hear Morino's can die if you have the temperature too extreme for a long time.

Photo of Flax in his coccoon with poop
Photo of changing Flax's temperature meter

I left Flax alone for most of the day. I checked on his temperature once. I had a busy day with my car, laptop, and lunch with mom. Brittany and I also worked out which was awesome! Afterwards, I checked to see if Flax finally turned into an adult!!! I discovered he is a Funkorogatchi species :) Super cute.

Funkorogatchi sprite He's super cute, he dances around the screen and I adore it. I noticed he has a new food option for poop! Hahahaha I think he's a little dung beetle or a pill bug. His current stats are: 1/4 hunger, 0/4 happiness, 70bs, and 5 yrs old. I wonder how long he will live :)

He's going to join me and my girlfriend tonight playing some games. I may play Runescape 3, he will be with me the whole grind.

Photo of Flax as Funkirogotchi (adult) pt 1
Photo of Flax as Funkirogotchi (adult) pt 1

It's 10PM for him (his clock is set 1 hr behind) and he finally went to sleep. He pulled his little leaf over him to sleep. Good night little Flax, I'll see you in the morning :P

Day 8 - March 14th, 2021

Flax's death screen :(

Today was Flax's last day on Earth. He spent most of the day dancing around, enjoying his Sunday. My girlfriend and I were working on chores and went out shopping today. I thought Flax would be okay by himself, but I guess not... I think he was attacked while I was gone and I couldn't protect him.

He was attacked twice throughout the evening, when I noticed he had passed late at night around 8:00PM. I was heart broken because I didn't see him before he left. His stats were roughly 7 years old, 77lbs. He was such a cute little bug who lived a good life. Rest in Peace, Flax. You will be greatly missed.

Final words...

I have played the Morino/Forestgotchi a few times before, but I didn't enjoy it like I did with Flax. Flax was fun to care for. I enjoyed bringing him on my daily adventures, from movies, to the gym, to long rides and even boring chores! I cared for Flax the best I could and he evolved into the adult I wanted. I'm happy for him, and I hope he is well in Tama-Heaven.

I would love to run my Morino/Forestgotchi a few more times in the future and log my adventures. I would love to try and raise some of the secret characters. For now though, this is the end of my first Morino/Forestgotchi log. Actually, this is the end of my first Tama log ever.

So THANK YOU! Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and adventures with Flax. I hope you enjoyed the journey and I encourage you to check out my other Tama Logs soon. Again, thank you :) Until next time!

Flax's death screen :(
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Page Last Updated: 6/13/2021
Page Creation Date: 5/8/2021