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Yasashii Tama Log #2


Lee: Aug 23 - Aug 27, 2023


Meruhetchi sprite

Welcome to my second Yasashii Tamagotchi log! To start, I recently joined the Yasashii Growth Theories thread in the Tamagotchi Collectors Discord. A few of us vintage tama enthusiasts are just dying to figure out how to evolve the good health teen on the Yasashii, named Meruhetchi (めるへっち) .

The community is baffled because it seems nearly impossible to get this character despite all our best efforts. Only a couple of people have reported getting this character, that being RJ, and an Instagram user by the name of Tamagotchi Time. I am so eager to figure out how they did it.

I'm actively talking to people in Discord about how to get Meruhetchi. I hear that even despite the typical "perfect" care (i.e. no care mistakes, full discipline), you can still get the poor health teen Mayumarutchi. I've experienced this as well. Supposedly the evolution may be affected by the amount of heart drops rather than the meters going empty. This theory was speculated a long time ago on sites like Rather than the heart meters going completely empty, I should avoid letting the hearts drop more than 1, or no less than 3/4 hearts on each meter. That seems like a difficult task, but I will try my best! So much for an "easy" Tamagotchi :P

I decided to name this Yasashii Lee after Rock Lee from Naruto. My fiance and I are binging the Naruto pt. 1 Series and we're both loving it. She really loves Rock Lee and finds him so sweet. In honor of that, I shall name thee, Lee!

Day 1 - Aug 23th, 2023

Yasashii Tamagotchi egg gif

11:15AM: I'm setting the time to 2 hours behind my timezone (CST), that's because I tend to stay up later and wake up later, so this fits my schedule. His time is officially 9:15AM. I set it, and now we wait. I always loved the design of the egg on the Yasashii. It's a lot bigger due to the bigger screen, and the little crosses on it are a cool design.

Yasashii Tamagotchi Chikachikababytchi gif

11:20AM: Lee finally hatched into Chikachikababytchi. The Hunger button (#1) flashed red. I immediately fed him 4 meals and started playing games to fill his happiness. He's all full and I'll monitor until a heart drops to fill it. The game wins/losses are shown below:

11:30AM: First hunger heart drop. Filled.

11:32AM: First happiness heart drop. Filled via game.

11:39AM: 1 hunger heart drop. Filled.

11:43AM: 1 happiness heart drop. Filled via game.

11:47AM: 1 hunger heart drop. Filled.

11:54AM: 1 hunger and 1 happiness drop. Filled, and played game. Also he pooped! I cleaned the poop up.

11:59AM: 1 hunger and 1 happiness drop. Filled, and played game. I decided to PAUSE at this point in order to grab lunch. To avoid having some heart misses, I'll pause. I imagine I'll frequently be doing this lol.

11:59AM: PAUSE.

12:29PM: UNPAUSE. Finally back from lunch, I unpaused Lee. He's currently at full hunger and happiness.

12:38PM: 1 hunger and 1 happiness drop. Filled, and played game.

12:51PM: Oops, I kinda messed up here lol. 3 hunger and 1 happiness dropped. I fed and played games. Also he pooped so I cleaned up the single poop. I don't suspect this mistake would cost me much given Lee is still in the baby stage. I think the child stage is when I will need to be stricter.

12:55PM: 1 happiness heart drop. Filled via game.

12:58PM: 1 hunger heart drop. Filled.

1:02PM: 1 happiness heart drop. Filled via game.

1:04PM: 1 hunger heart drop. Filled.

1:18PM: 2 hunger and 2 happiness drop. Filled, and played game. Cleaned up 1 poop.

1:26PM: 1 hunger and 1 happiness drop. Filled, and played game.

Yasashii Tamagotchi Hoppetchi gif

1:28PM: Lee just evolved into Hoppetchi! He still has full hunger and happiness, and 0% discipline, 1yr and 10lbs. The baby stage lasted from 11:20AM to 1:28PM, minus the 30 minutes pause session, which results in a baby stage lasting 1hr 38 minutes (98 minutes).

1:29PM: Lee called for discipline via the middle button #2. It began flashing, so I selected button #3 and he beeped and cried, but now he has 2 bars of discipline. In my experience, corroborated by what others in the community say, it's immpossible to get 100% discipline in the child phase without using what we call the "discipline hack". The discipline hack can be done by setting the time so the tama sleeps, then alter the time so it wakes up. It should call for discipline within 30 minutes of waking up in most cases. Resolve the discipline call and repeat to 100% discipline.

I'm not certain if this counts for the discipline. The discipline bar is filled, but given they aren't "natural" discipline calls, does the programming count these towards the discipline score? I'm not sure.

I think I'll still do the discipline hack in a day or two to get Lee's discipline to 100% and we'll go from there. For now I'll focus 100% on keeping all hunger/happiness hearts at no less than 3 out of 4.

1:56PM: 1 hunger and 1 happiness drop. Filled, and played game.

2:32PM: 1 hunger and 1 happiness drop. Filled, and played game.

2:50PM: 1 hunger drop. Filled. After I fed him he did a little dance with a music symbol, jumping up and down. He beeped too, like "ba-deep ba-doop, ba-deep ba-doop, ba-deep ba-doop!". It's a cute feature they added to this model, and I thoroughly enjoy these events :)

2:56PM: 1 happiness drop. Filled via game.

3:14PM: 1 hunger drop. Filled.

3:24PM: 1 happiness drop. Filled via game.

3:42PM: 1 hunger drop. Filled.

4:12PM: 1 hunger drop. Filled.

4:31PM: 1 happiness drop. Filled via game.

4:41PM: 1 hunger drop. Filled. Also cleaned 1 poop.

5:06PM: 1 happiness drop. Filled via game.

5:11PM: PAUSE. Work just ended, it's been a long day ugh. I'm going to work out and be back. Pausing Lee for now.

8:57PM: UNPAUSE. I just got back from my workout, dinner, and shower. I had to knock those out of the way, but now I can focus on Lee :)

9:00PM: Lol! Lee just called to go to sleep. I guess I didn't get to him in time. I forgot the child stage goes to bed at 7PM :P Oh well. Tomorrow I work in office (I work from home 2 days, in office 3 days), so I won't be able to bring Lee with me. I'll have him paused all day pretty much, so you may see some days skipped in here. I'll note whenever I keep him paused/unpaused throughout the log. Good night all!

Day 2 - Aug 24th, 2023

6:37AM: PAUSE. Heading to work, will be gone all day.

7:47PM: UNPAUSE. I'm finally home and have some time to focus on Lee. I set his time up and due to waking his hunger dropped from 4 hearts to 0, which is normal. I fed him all 4 meals. He's now full hunger and happiness. I suspect he will call for discipline within the next 15-30 minutes, we shall see!

7:57PM: Discipline call. Lee called for discipline as I expected! I tried feeding him food, he declined. I tried playing a game, he declinded. However, when I tried feeding a snack he did eat it surprisingly. I disciplined him after and now he's at 4 bars of discipline.

8:00PM: 1 hunger drop. Filled.

8:26PM: 1 happiness drop. Filled via game.

8:41PM: 1 hunger drop. Filled.

8:55PM: 1 hunger and 1 happiness drop. Filled, and played game.

9:00PM: Lee fell asleep. I turned out the lights, that's it for tonight! Just FYI, I'm going to be working in office again tomorrow (Fri), and go out of town over the coming weekend (Sat & Sun). I will have Lee paused the entire time :( I'll resume the log once I'm back. Bye for now!

Day 3 - Aug 25th, 2023

6:37AM: PAUSE. Heading to work, will be gone all day. We're also heading directly to our lake house rental this evening so I won't be stopping by to check up on Lee. I'll skip logging until I return home on the 27th.

Day 4 - Aug 26th, 2023

SKIPPED Still on vacation till tomorrow. In any case, here's the place where we were staying! There should be a lake in the background but it's all dried up :P

Day 5 - Aug 27th, 2023

8:14PM: UNPAUSE. Wow, lol. Well the battery died on my Yasashii :/ So I can no longer progress on this run. It's a shame because I was doing so well with Lee. However, I can't say I'm surprised since the batteries have been running for the last 2 years. I think having it on pause so much with the flashing buttons drains the power more. Oh well. I will try to replace the batteries as soon as possible to hatch Lee again. Hopefully I won't have a vacation planned during it as well. Anyhow, good bye for now!

Game Statistics: Win vs Loss

Throughout this run I tracked data on the games I played with Lee, such as the # of wins, # of losses, and the score (3v2 for example). I outlined it in this table below. It's a bit long, but I think it's cool to have this and see if there's any information to drill from it.

Game # Win/Loss
Game 1Loss 1v4
Game 2Loss 2v3
Game 3Win 3v2
Game 4Win 3v2
Game 5Loss 1v4
Game 6Loss 2v3
Game 7Win 3v2
Game 8Loss 1v4
Game 9Loss 2v3
Game 10Loss 1v4
Game 11Win 4v1
Game 12Loss 2v3
Game 13Loss 1v4
Game 14Win 3v2
Game 15Win 4v1
Game 16Loss 1v4
Game 17Win 3v2
Game 18Win 3v2
Game 19Loss 2v3
Game 20Win 3v2
Game # Win/Loss
Game 21Win 3v2
Game 22Win 3v2
Game 23Win 3v2
Game 24Loss 1v4
Game 25Loss 2v3
Game 26Win 3v2
Game 27Loss 1v4
Game 28Loss 1v4
Game 29Win 4v1
Game 30Loss 0v5
Game 31Win 3v2
Game 32Win 3v2
Game 33Loss 1v4
Game 34Loss 2v3
Game 35Win 5v0
Game 36Loss 1v4
Game 37Loss 2v3
Game 38Win 3v2
Game 39Loss 2v3
Game 40Loss 2v3
Game # Win/Loss
Game 41Win 3v2
Game 42Loss 2v3
Game 43Win 3v2
Game 44Loss 5v0
Game 45Loss 2v3
Game 46Win 4v1
Game 47Win 3v2
Game 48Loss 0v5
Game 49Loss 0v5
Game 50Win 5v0
Win/Loss Ratio = 24:26

Surprisingly I played exactly 50 games. This is completely coincidental! And the win to loss ratio is 24 wins to 26 losses. I found that the average score is 2.34 and the most common score was 3 with 17 games resulting in 3. The sample size isn't large enough for a statistical significance, but in my small experiment it looks like I'm 2% more likely to lose than win. From my personal experience it doesn't feel that way lol! It feels more like I'm losing 70% of the time. This study definitely helps put things into perpsective.

Score Frequency

Final Words

This run ended earlier than expected due to the batteries which is so disappointing. I'm fully intending on replacing the batteries soon and starting a new log. It's really exciting running my Yasashii with other people in the tamagotchi Discord right now. I can't wait to solve the Meruhetchi mystery! Hope to see you all around :)

~David - 9/10/2023
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Page Last Updated: 9/10/2023
Page Creation Date: 9/4/2023